Empower your clients to optimize energy costs and usage
Zero in on game-changing energy efficiency and savings opportunities for your clients by accessing comprehensive, real-time usage, tariff, and pricing data.

Deliver actionable analytics
Ensure your clients have everything they need to make informed sustainability decisions through detailed usage data, cost modeling, and optimization recommendations.
Amplify value at every stage of the customer lifecycle
Uncover operational efficiencies in order to streamline and perfect your customer experience throughout the lifecycle, from proposal and implementation to billing and ongoing monitoring.

Power your business with our products
Arcadia gives you access to comprehensive data to boost your Energy Management offering. Tap into these recommended API products to create efficiencies for you and your customers.
Energy rate calculation engine and tariff database
High-resolution utility data for energy and water usage
Accurate solar and storage calculations, forecasts, and savings

Ready to strengthen your energy management solutions?
Contact us to learn how Arcadia can help you increase customer confidence and sales conversion.
Explore our Energy Management solutions
Power up your products and services with Signal, the nation’s most robust cost calculation engine backed by an energy tariff rate database.
Plug provides access to utility data from thousands of providers in over 50 countries, making it easy to centralize and monitor your emissions.

We’ve launched a new tool for companies leading the charge on electrification, smart homes, and DER that helps them unlock untapped customer savings.